Garden Decking
Can You Install Composite Decking Over Old Decking?

Can You Install Composite Decking Over Old Decking?

Many homeowners wonder if it is possible to install composite decking over an existing wood deck. This article will explore the feasibility of this option and discuss the benefits and drawbacks of doing so. We will provide all the information you need to make an informed decision about your deck renovation project.

Key Takeaways

  • Installing composite decking over an existing wood deck is technically possible but not always recommended.
  • Consider the condition of the existing deck, potential moisture build-up, and the cost implications before making a decision.
  • Replacing the entire deck with new composite boards is often the more reliable and long-lasting solution.
  • If the existing deck is in good condition and proper installation guidelines are followed, laying composite decking over wood can provide a time-saving and visually appealing renovation option.
  • Composite decking offers benefits such as low maintenance, durability, and a variety of color options.

The Time-Saving Benefit of Laying Composite Decking Over Wood

One of the main reasons homeowners consider installing composite decking over an existing wood deck is the time-saving factor. By laying composite deck boards over the old wooden ones, you can avoid the labor and expense of building an entirely new deck frame. This option can save you both time and money, making it an attractive choice for many.

When building a new deck, the process typically involves constructing a sturdy frame using pressure-treated lumber. This stage of the project can be time-consuming and require specialized skills. However, if you have an existing wood deck that is structurally sound, you can bypass this step altogether and save valuable time.

Composite deck boards are designed to be installed directly over the existing deck surface, providing a cost-effective and time-saving solution. The process involves laying the composite boards parallel to the existing deck boards, securing them with compatible fasteners or hidden clips.

Additionally, using composite deck boards eliminates the need for sanding, staining, or sealing, which are often required for traditional wood decks. This not only saves you time, but also reduces the maintenance requirements in the long run.

Furthermore, by opting for composite decking over wood, you can take advantage of the durability and longevity of composite materials. Composite deck boards are resistant to rot, decay, and insect damage, offering a longer lifespan compared to traditional wood boards. This means less frequent maintenance and fewer repairs over time, ultimately translating into more time and cost savings.

With the increasing popularity of composite decking, there are now a wide variety of composite deck boards available on the market, offering different colors, textures, and finishes to suit your personal style and preferences. This allows you to achieve the desired look for your outdoor space without the hassle of building a new deck from scratch.

By choosing to lay composite decking over wood, you can save both time and money while still enjoying a beautiful and durable outdoor deck. However, it is essential to ensure that the existing wood deck is in good condition and suitable for overlaying with composite boards. Proper preparation and installation techniques should be followed to ensure a successful and long-lasting result.

Should You Place Composite Deck Boards Over Wood?

While it is technically possible to place new composite deck boards over an existing wood deck, it is not always recommended. The quality of the existing wood deck is a crucial factor to consider. If the old boards are rotting or in poor condition, placing new composite boards on top can reduce their lifespan and lead to moisture damage. Additionally, the initial cost of composite decking should be taken into account when making this decision.

Downsides of Placing Composite Decking Over Wood

Placing composite deck boards over wood comes with a few downsides that you should consider before making a decision. These downsides include:

  • Reduction in lifespan: If the existing wood deck is in poor condition, the lifespan of new composite boards can be significantly reduced.
  • Moisture damage: If the old wood deck is prone to moisture problems, it can affect the composite boards placed on top, leading to potential damage.
  • Cost considerations: Composite decking can be more expensive than wood. Therefore, you should evaluate the cost implications before opting for this installation method.

When deciding whether to place composite deck boards over wood, it is essential to assess the condition of your existing deck and the potential impact on the new composite boards. Taking into account both the downsides and the benefits of this approach will help you make an informed decision for your specific deck renovation project.

Downsides of Composite Decking Over Wood Considerations
1 Lifespan reduction Assess the quality of your existing wood deck
2 Moisture damage Evaluate the potential for moisture-related issues
3 Cost considerations Weigh the upfront cost of composite decking

Considering these downsides and evaluating your specific circumstances will help you determine whether placing composite deck boards over wood is the right choice for your deck renovation project.

How to Replace Your Wooden Deck

If your wooden deck is old, rotting, or in need of replacement, it is generally preferable to replace the entire deck with new composite deck boards. This involves removing the old wooden boards and adjusting the existing frame to accommodate the weight of the new composite deck. While this process may require some additional effort, it is a more reliable and long-lasting solution for your outdoor space.

Replacing your wooden deck with composite deck boards offers numerous benefits. Composite decking is known for its durability and low maintenance, making it an excellent choice for long-term use. Additionally, composite deck boards are resistant to rot, mold, and insect infestations, providing a more robust and attractive option for your outdoor living area.

To replace your wooden deck with composite deck boards, follow this step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Remove the old wooden boards

Start by removing the old wooden boards from your deck. Use a pry bar or screwdriver to carefully lift and remove each board. Dispose of the old boards properly, following local regulations for waste disposal.

Step 2: Inspect the existing frame

Once the old boards are removed, inspect the existing frame for any signs of damage or decay. Replace any damaged or rotted joists and beams to ensure the structural integrity of your new deck.

Step 3: Adjust the frame for composite decking

Composite deck boards are generally heavier than wooden boards. Adjust the frame spacing and supports to accommodate the weight of the composite boards. Check the manufacturer’s guidelines for proper spacing and support recommendations.

Step 4: Install the composite deck boards

Begin installing the composite deck boards by starting at one corner of the deck. Secure each board with deck screws, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Leave a small gap between each board to allow for expansion and contraction.

Step 5: Finish the edges

To create a polished look, finish the edges of your composite deck with trim boards. These boards will cover the exposed ends of the deck boards and create a clean, professional appearance.

Step 6: Regular maintenance

Once your new composite deck is installed, regular maintenance is essential to keep it looking its best. Regularly sweep or hose off the deck to remove dirt and debris. Clean any stains or spills promptly to prevent staining or damage to the deck surface.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can successfully replace your wooden deck with composite deck boards. Enjoy the benefits of a durable, low-maintenance outdoor space that enhances the beauty and functionality of your home.

Factors to Consider Before Installing Composite Decking Over Wood

Before installing composite decking over an existing wood deck, there are several important factors to consider. These factors will help you ensure a successful and durable installation. Let’s explore them in detail:

Existing Deck Condition

The condition of your existing deck is crucial when considering composite decking installation. Inspect the deck for any signs of rot, decay, or structural damage. If the deck is in poor condition, it may not be suitable for installing composite decking. Address any necessary repairs before proceeding.

Wood Type

The type of wood used in the original deck construction can affect the compatibility with composite decking. Some wood species may not provide a stable base for composite boards or may have different expansion and contraction rates. Research the recommended wood types for composite decking installation and ensure compatibility.

Joist Spacing

Proper joist spacing is essential for the installation of composite decking. Consult the manufacturer’s guidelines for the recommended joist spacing specific to the composite decking product you are using. Incorrect joist spacing can lead to sagging, warping, and decreased durability of the deck.

Drainage Slope

Incorporating a proper drainage slope is crucial to avoid water accumulation on your deck. Ensure that the existing deck frame has the necessary slope for water drainage. Without proper drainage, moisture can accumulate and cause damage to both the existing deck and the new composite decking boards.

By considering these factors, you can determine if installing composite decking over wood is a viable option for your deck renovation project.

existing deck condition

Proper Installation of Composite Decking Over Wood

Proper installation is key when laying composite decking over an existing wood deck. Follow this step-by-step guide to ensure a successful and durable installation:

  1. Removal of Old Boards: Begin by carefully removing the old wooden boards from your deck. Use a pry bar or deck board removal tool to gently lift the boards and nails.
  2. Inspection of Frame: Once the old boards are removed, inspect the frame of your deck for any necessary repairs. Replace or reinforce any damaged or weakened joists.
  3. Treatment with Preservative: To protect the cut ends of the frame from moisture damage, apply a preservative or wood sealant to these areas. This will help extend the lifespan of your deck.
  4. Joist Protection Tape: Apply joist protection tape to the top of each joist. This tape acts as a barrier between the wood and the composite decking, preventing water damage and increasing the longevity of your deck.
  5. Cutting and Securing Composite Boards: Measure and cut the composite deck boards to fit your deck dimensions. Secure the boards to the joists using corrosion-resistant screws or hidden fastening systems.
  6. Spacing and Water Drainage: Ensure proper spacing between the composite deck boards to allow for expansion and contraction. This spacing also promotes water drainage, preventing moisture build-up and potential damage to the boards and the underlying structure.

By following these installation guidelines, you can install composite decking over an existing wood deck with confidence, ensuring a sturdy and long-lasting outdoor space.

Pros and Cons of Installing Composite Decking Over Wood

Pros Cons
1. Time-saving installation 1. Potential moisture build-up
2. Refreshes the look of your deck 2. Higher upfront cost compared to wood
3. Low maintenance 3. Increased cleaning due to trapped debris
4. Increased durability 4. Potential for rot if the existing deck is unstable
5. Environmentally-friendly (made from recycled materials) 5. Potential impact on deck stability
6. Variety of color options available

Pros of Installing Composite Decking Over Wood

Despite some drawbacks, there are several advantages to installing composite decking over an existing wood deck. By opting for this installation method, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  1. Time-saving: Installing composite decking over wood saves you time by eliminating the need to build an entirely new deck frame.
  2. Fresh look: Composite decking can provide a fresh and modern appearance to your outdoor space, enhancing its overall aesthetics.
  3. Low maintenance: Unlike wood, composite decking requires minimal maintenance, freeing up your time for more enjoyable activities.
  4. Durability: Composite deck boards are highly durable, withstanding wear and tear, fading, and rot for a longer lifespan compared to wood.
  5. Environmentally-friendly: Composite decking is an eco-friendly choice as it is made from recycled materials, reducing the demand for virgin wood.
  6. Color options: Composite boards come in a wide range of colors, allowing you to choose a design that suits your style without the need for painting.

With composite decking, you can enjoy a time-saving installation process that provides a fresh look to your outdoor space. The low maintenance and durability of composite boards, along with their environmental-friendly composition and various color options, make them an attractive choice for homeowners seeking a long-lasting and visually appealing deck.

Comparison Table: Composite Decking vs. Wood Decking

Aspect Composite Decking Wood Decking
Installation Easier installation with the option to lay over existing wood deck. Requires complete removal and replacement of old wooden boards.
Maintenance Minimal maintenance needed, no staining or sealing required. Regular staining, sealing, and maintenance required.
Durability Highly durable, resistant to rot, fading, and warping. Prone to rotting, warping, and fading over time.
Lifespan Longer lifespan, typically lasting 25-30 years or more. Shorter lifespan, typically around 15-20 years.
Environmental Impact Made from recycled materials, reduces the demand for virgin wood. Requires the use of newly harvested wood.
Color Variety Wide range of colors available, no need for painting. Can be stained or painted in various colors.

Table: Comparison between composite decking and wood decking in terms of installation, maintenance, durability, lifespan, environmental impact, and color variety.

Cons of Installing Composite Decking Over Wood

While there are benefits to installing composite decking over wood, it is important to consider the potential downsides. Here are some cons to keep in mind:

  1. Potential moisture build-up: When installing composite boards over an old wooden deck, there is a risk of moisture getting trapped between the layers. This can lead to rot and damage over time.
  2. Upfront cost: Composite decking typically has a higher upfront cost compared to wood. However, it is important to consider the long-term savings and durability that composite boards offer.
  3. Increased cleaning: Debris can accumulate between the old wooden deck and the composite boards, requiring more frequent cleaning. This can be a hassle and may require extra maintenance.
  4. Potential for rot: If the existing deck is not stable or if the composite boards are installed over a deteriorating subframe, there is a risk of rot. It is important to ensure that the deck structure is in good condition before proceeding with installation.
  5. Deck stability: Installing composite decking over wood may affect the overall stability of the deck. It is crucial to assess the structural integrity of the existing deck and make any necessary repairs or reinforcements.

While these cons should be taken into consideration, they do not negate the benefits that composite decking can bring. With proper installation and maintenance, composite decking can provide a beautiful and long-lasting outdoor space.

Below is a visual representation of the cons of installing composite decking over wood:

Cons Description
Potential moisture build-up Risk of moisture getting trapped between layers, leading to rot
Upfront cost Higher initial investment compared to wood
Increased cleaning Debris accumulation between layers requires more frequent maintenance
Potential for rot Risk of rot if existing deck or subframe is deteriorating
Deck stability Affects the overall stability of the deck

Tips and Recommendations for Installing Composite Decking Over Wood

To ensure a successful installation of composite decking over existing wood, it is important to follow some tips and recommendations. By considering these factors, you can avoid potential issues and ensure the longevity and stability of your new composite deck.

1. Proper Joist Spacing

When installing composite decking over wood, it is crucial to ensure proper joist spacing. This spacing will provide adequate support for the composite boards and help prevent sagging or warping over time. Check the manufacturer’s guidelines for the recommended joist spacing specific to your composite decking product. This will help maintain the structural integrity of your deck and enhance its overall durability.

2. Incorporating a Drainage Slope

Proper water drainage is essential for any decking installation. When laying composite decking over wood, it is important to incorporate a drainage slope to ensure rainwater runs off the deck surface efficiently. This will help prevent water pooling and potential damage to both the wood and composite materials. Consult local building codes and guidelines for the recommended drainage slope in your area.

3. Using Joist Tape for Waterproofing

To protect the underlying wood structure and enhance moisture resistance, consider using joist tape during the installation process. Joist tape acts as a waterproof barrier between the wood joists and the composite boards, preventing water infiltration and minimizing the risk of rot or decay. Apply the tape to the top of the joists before installing the composite decking boards for added protection.

4. Ensuring Subframe Stability

Prior to installing composite decking over wood, evaluate the stability of the existing subframe. Make sure it is in good condition and capable of supporting the additional weight of the composite boards. Reinforce or replace any damaged or weakened joists or support beams. A stable subframe is essential to prevent any structural issues and ensure a solid foundation for your new deck.

By following these installation tips and recommendations, you can ensure a smooth and successful composite decking installation over an existing wood deck. This will help you create a beautiful and functional outdoor space that will withstand the test of time and provide years of enjoyment.

installation tips


In conclusion, while it is technically possible to install composite decking over an existing wood deck, it is not always the recommended option. The condition of the existing deck, the potential for moisture build-up, and the cost considerations should all be weighed before making a decision.

Replacing the entire deck with new composite boards is often the more reliable and long-lasting solution. However, if the existing deck is in good condition and proper installation guidelines are followed, laying composite decking over wood can provide a time-saving and visually appealing renovation option.

It is important to consider the pros and cons of both deck renovation methods. Composite decking offers low maintenance, durability, and a wide range of color options. On the other hand, there are potential drawbacks such as moisture build-up, higher upfront costs, increased cleaning, and the risk of rot if the existing deck is not stable.

Ultimately, the choice between composite decking over wood or deck replacement will depend on the specific circumstances and preferences of the homeowner. Careful consideration of installation considerations, including the condition of the existing deck and proper installation techniques, will ensure a successful and satisfying deck renovation project.


Can you install composite decking over an existing wood deck?

It is technically possible to install composite decking over an existing wood deck, but it is not always recommended.

What is the time-saving benefit of laying composite decking over wood?

By laying composite deck boards over an existing wood deck, you can save time and money by avoiding the labor and expense of building a new deck frame.

Should you place composite deck boards over wood?

Placing new composite boards over existing wood decks is not always recommended, especially if the old boards are rotting or in poor condition, as it can lead to moisture damage and reduce the lifespan of the composite boards.

How do you replace a wooden deck with composite deck boards?

To replace a wooden deck with composite deck boards, you need to remove the old wooden boards, inspect the frame for repairs, treat the cut ends of the frame with a preservative, and adjust the existing frame to accommodate the weight of the new composite deck.

What factors should be considered before installing composite decking over wood?

Factors to consider include the condition of the existing deck, the type of wood used, the spacing of the joists, and the inclusion of a drainage slope.

How do you properly install composite decking over wood?

Proper installation involves removing the old boards, inspecting the frame, treating the cut ends, using joist protection tape, cutting and securing the composite boards properly, and ensuring spacing for water drainage and board expansion.

What are the pros of installing composite decking over wood?

Installing composite decking over wood offers benefits such as time-saving, a fresh look, low maintenance, durability, environmental friendliness (as it is made from recycled materials), and a variety of colors to choose from.

What are the cons of installing composite decking over wood?

Potential cons include moisture build-up, higher upfront cost compared to wood, increased cleaning, and the risk of rot if the existing deck is not stable or the composite boards are installed over a deteriorating subframe.

What tips and recommendations are there for installing composite decking over wood?

Tips include proper joist spacing, incorporating a drainage slope, using joist tape for waterproofing, and ensuring the stability of the subframe.

What should be considered in the conclusion of installing composite decking over wood?

The decision to install composite decking over wood should be carefully considered, taking into account the condition of the existing deck, potential moisture issues, cost considerations, and the benefits and drawbacks of this option.

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